• 0533 059 66 27

  • info@sahinmuhendislik.com.tr


To offer machines that customers can use without any problems, by bringing together companies in Turkey as well as all over the world with quality, innovative and solution-oriented products,


Telescopic Conveyor

Telescopic Conveyor

Telescopic conveyors can be used to load parcels, sacks, tires, etc. without being tied. It provides ease of loading and unloading of products in only half the time. It becomes an extension of your workforce by halving the loading and unloading times of trucks, trucks and pickup trucks.

Elevator Conveyor

Elevator Conveyor

Elevator type conveyors are used to transfer grain products from a certain height to another height without dispersing them in a healthy way. For these systems, conveyor belt preference can be made according to the type of product to be transported, such as PVC belt, Modular belt.

Peanut Roasting Machine

Peanut Roasting Machine

Dish Sponge Roasting process of dried nuts with salt heated with Döner drum. It can produce from a minimum of 45 kg/hour to 160 kg/hour capacity, depending on the product. The heated cauldron roasts the products evenly by means of salt.

What We Do

Installation, maintenance, repair, etc. of the machines we produce in the fields of drying, roasting, transportation, screening, textile and storage. We offer services.

Installation, maintenance, repair, etc. of the machines we produce in the fields of drying, roasting, transportation, screening, textile and storage. We offer services.